How do you test the software?
This is how software testing; How do you apply your test strategy? We have divided this section into two categories; Manual testing and automatic testing.
Manual testing.
Is that manual testing?
Manual testing is defined as a manual tester carrying out a test case without using any automation tool. They play the role of end-users and try to find as many bugs as possible in the application as soon as possible. Bugs are collected into a bug report, which is forwarded to the developer to review and fix it.
The application cannot be tested using automation exclusively so that manual testing plays an important role in software testing. It requires a certain mindset; Patience, creativity & open-mindedness.
We have put the type of test below in the manual testing section:
Exploration testing
Manual regression testing
Execution of test cases
Exploration testing
What is exploration testing?
Exploration testing depends on enabling the tester to have the freedom to interact with the application and react as they want. Good testers adapt and find out what is needed rather than following the predetermined testing procedure. However, some thought leaders in the software testing industry interpreted exploration testing as test design and test execution at the same time.
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To maximize the results of exploration testing, specific parameters must be given to testers, eg. Which part of the application to test, how long to test, etc. Good exploration testing is planned activities, but not written.
Pro Counter.
No need for long preparations it's hard to get the right one
A non-structured liquid approach can cause inefficiency
More discovery of more unique bug/functionality requires a certain mindset
Help in complex testing situations
The main benefit is the preparation must not be complete, even though it is still needed. When executed correctly, testing exploration is liquid without documentation or test cases. It makes it very effective in finding unique bugs and verifying functionality.
Exploration testing is useful in complex testing situations when few are known about the application or more information is needed to write a script test.
Lack of planning before executing exploration tests will cause inefficient and unproductive results. Instead, exploration testing should not be written. That means getting a balance between the two is difficult.
Exploration testing is also very dependent on the skills and testing of examiners. A good exploration tester requires a lot of skills; Lateral thinking, critical thinking, investigation skills, storytelling skills, good communication, and technical skills.
Manual regression testing
What is manual regression testing?
Manual regression testing is a verification method, which is done manually. It is used to confirm that the latest update, bug fixes, or code changes have not affected the existing features. It utilizes all or some test cases that have been executed to ensure that existing functionality is functioning correctly and there are no new bugs introduced.
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Improve product quality
Time consuming and inefficient
Detect side effects from updates / bug fixes / code changes
Can cause their own side effects
Regression testing is a must in all release cycles. After being done correctly, it can improve and maintain quality. Ideally, it must be done after every single code is committed. This ensures the need to just return one commit to fixing the problem, but this is not always practical.
When there is a constant change that is implemented into the application, a manual regression test is very inefficient.