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How to Test Your Social Media Content to Get Better Results


First, we wrap our collective heads around the idea of ​​tracking the results. If you are like me, you track the results in other areas of your life as well (not only your social networking content).

For example, I use applications to track my career and my weight loss efforts. I am diligent about it, so I can see how many miles I run every week and if my rhythm improves.

Walk what I do so that I can manage my caloric intake and carbohydrates. When it measures and traces, I always lose weight. When I do not bother me, I do not lose weight. Simple like that.

If you have a Fitbit or other usable tracking device, you know what I mean. If you are counting the steps, you know you need to walk if you have not reached your daily goal.

The same happens with your social network marketing!

When you can see the publications, the images, and the videos that are being done well, you know what to continue doing more and what to stop.

What social networking content should you try?

Try and measure your content can be as complex or simple as it does.

You can try each small detail of your social networking efforts. Or you can begin to decide the things of 1 or 2 that have more impact on your business objectives.

For the purposes of keeping it manageable, let us go on 2 platforms in this post - Facebook and Twitter blog.

I will cover two types of tests: A / B tests and UTM tracking codes (I know that Geeky sounds, but both are simple once it starts).

Before starting a test of your campaign, decide exactly what you want to try. Again, this should be based on the objectives of your business and how you are using social networks to attract customers and customers.

From the following list, select 1 thing you want to try. Then, go step by step through the proof process described in this article.

Once you begin to prove your social networking content, you will start collecting real data. Use the data to make better decisions about your social networking marketing advancing.

11 Elements of Social Networking Content that you can try

Blog holders (yes, this can be considered an element of social networking content)

Tweets - Pictures, Links, Text

Types of status updates: text, links, video, audio


Traffic to your site or blog posts.

Publication schedules


Action calls


Number of shares or retweets

Number of comments

Although we are focusing on Facebook and Twitter, I included blog holders because many marketers share the titles of their blog posts on social networks.

I do it too, and you could also!

It is better to try your blog holders before posting (the Coschedule Freeholder analyzer is a great tool for this). But if you do not, trying your tweets and Facebook updates will provide you with many useful data as well.

To demonstrate the test process, I will use a blog post and show you how to test status updates on Twitter and Facebook.

You will learn how to try A / B your social publications, as well as how to track traffic to your site.

What the hell is Test A / B?

While doing an investigation on the topic of proof of the content of social networks, I read a great description that makes the concept easy to understand. I found this post by LKR Social Media:

Have you ever entered an argument with a friend about what route is the fastest to get yours from your house? (Readers of Los Angeles, I know you've heard this before!) How was that bet established? Did you try it! Both left the same place at the same time, were your separate routes and found out once and for all whose form is the best, right?

A / B tests on the web are basically the same. Have you ever two different routes you could take, two versions of a sales page that can not decide between, maybe? - You can liquidate the argument with a quick and easy test.

The key of tests A / B is to keep it simple. Test 1 thing at a time to get the best data.

For example, write a holder for blog publication. Then you write an alternative holder.

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