"Penetration testing is defined as a type of security testing used to test unsafe areas of the system or application. The purpose of this test is to find all the security vulnerabilities in the system being tested." - Teacher99.com.
To make it simple, the Pentest is a cyber attack that is simulated on your system to test its susceptibility. In this type of ethical hacking, a number of application systems are tried to be violated such as APIs and Frontend / Backend servers.
The Pentiest approach to mitigate bad attacks
Planning phase
In this phase, the project strategy and scope of the project are determined here.
Discovery phase
Here, all possible information from the system is collected, to check system vulnerabilities
Phase attack.
In this phase, the system is exploited to test the susceptibility
Reporting phase
Here, detailed reports are generated at identified risks
Insights from the Pentest can be used to perfect security policies. There are 5 types of pentiest conducted on organizational systems to identify vulnerabilities.
Network service
Web application
Social Engineering
Reasons for doing penetration tests
Penetration testing is one of the most widely used and oldest forms of security testing. Here ethical hackers simulate a real cyber-attack scenario to test the system.
The reason for the main ingratiation of penetration testing is to identify and correct security gaps before hackers know.
After testing penetration is complete, a detailed report is distributed to organizations that describe weaknesses and fields of an entry in the organization.
This report contains clear steps, can be followed up, and prioritized to mitigate security risks. This report will provide a clear idea of which risk addressing is the first and you can handle it later.
In addition, this report will also provide an efficient remediation process.
Penetration testing can be a money saver for you by trimming data violations and monetary penalties.
Seriously, imagine the amount of money that you can complete to restore your organization's brand identity after a data violation.
In addition, customers become very sensitive to data violations, because they do not want their information to roam the internet.
Penetration testing also fulfills several obstacles to compliance such as PCI DSS and SOC 2. which must be in many cases.
Benefits of penetration testing
Penetration testing does not only save you financially but also provides various other benefits such as,
This saves network stop time caused by violations
This identifies the effectiveness of security awareness training
Give away to evaluate the effectiveness of security and security controls
Uncovering the hacker method may potentially be used to compromise customer data
This helps organizations with their security attitude
The overall security life cycle is improved
It shows the impact and feasibility of attacks without suffering from risk
This provides knowledge to assist in regulatory compliance
This helps determine the right security budget
Who should the organization choose to do a Pentest?
In most organizations, internal IT teams have the ability to run several Pentest. However, experienced security testing service providers are highly recommended to conduct penetration tests.
Because this Pentest is not only important, it also requires the expertise to do this test. This is the best practice to partner with third-party security testing vendors for your security testing needs.
Your internal IT team will not be able to test your system vulnerabilities effectively compared to third-party vendors.
Because security testing vendors will follow best practices, OWASP standards, have enormous expertise and proven experience in security testing.